Catching Up

When I was 20, living in Budapest during my study abroad - I remember spending the first year feeling like I had a lot to catch up on. My American classmates were more cultured than me and seemed to know about the U.S. in ways that I did not. 

These last few months since the election have felt similar. Here I am, living in Switzerland but am catching up on American politics. Here is what I'm reading, watching, and listening to  - in no particular order: 

  1. The Axe Files
  2. The Intercept
  3. Reuters
  5. Robert Reich
  6. Rachel Maddow Show
  7. Byron Stevenson
  8. Dan Rather
  9. Van Jones
  10. Michael Moore
  11. Reading and acting on the "Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda"
  12. Calling Washington State Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell on a weekly basis
  13. Following ACLU
  14. Following SPLU
  15. Wall of Us
  16. Watching films like 13th and Hard Earned
  17. Sister District 
  18. Sleeping Giants
  19. Activist Shaun King (following on FB)
  20. Receiving & reading newsletters from my Washington State Senators
  21. Putting Washington State Senator phone numbers in my contact list - for easy weekly calling.