When I was 20, living in Budapest during my study abroad - I remember spending the first year feeling like I had a lot to catch up on. My American classmates were more cultured than me and seemed to know about the U.S. in ways that I did not.
These last few months since the election have felt similar. Here I am, living in Switzerland but am catching up on American politics. Here is what I'm reading, watching, and listening to - in no particular order:
- The Axe Files
- The Intercept
- Reuters
- Robert Reich
- Rachel Maddow Show
- Byron Stevenson
- Dan Rather
- Van Jones
- Michael Moore
- Reading and acting on the "Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda"
- Calling Washington State Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell on a weekly basis
- Following ACLU
- Following SPLU
- Wall of Us
- Watching films like 13th and Hard Earned
- Sister District
- Sleeping Giants
- Activist Shaun King (following on FB)
- Receiving & reading newsletters from my Washington State Senators
- Putting Washington State Senator phone numbers in my contact list - for easy weekly calling.